#8 Discover thermals, perfection and thermal flying.

Destination Les Vosges PPS offers paragliding training by organising all the necessary courses for your progression. To ensure quality training, we only take 7 students per course. 1 places available!

#9 thermal course with perfection.

Destination Les Vosges. PPS offers paragliding training by organising all the necessary courses for your progression. ensure quality training, we only take 7 students per course. 2 places aviable!

#10 Hike & fly

Destination depending on the weather conditions. Les Vosges or Belgium PPS offers paragliding training by organising all the necessary courses for your progression.To ensure quality training, we only take 7 students per course.

#11 Hike & Fly combined with perfection.

Destination Les Vosges. PPS offers paragliding training by organising all the necessary courses for your progression. To ensure quality training, we only take 7 students per course.